Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled "Blades for Self-Defense: Fearsome or Foolhardy?" and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/blades-for-self-defense-fearsome-or-foolhardy/.

When you dont have a gun, its the next best thing. As long as you know how to use it.
Or cheesecake …I think of a blade as a back-up gun. It's a spare weapon - it might be needed, if for whatever reason you are not able to use your primary weapon.
And it would be very useful if you had to cut something or open a can of food.
That's how I feel when I visit family in California.I just had to fly to Chicago for work and it was an incredibly long and naked four days without my standard "Bat Utility Belt" accessories. 1911, knife, OC spray. Luckily I've got some empty handed skills in addition to a salty scowl!
Circle of awareness and making good choices goes a lot further than anything else!
Or simply to clean ur finger (and toenails?) with?I think of a blade as a back-up gun. It's a spare weapon - it might be needed, if for whatever reason you are not able to use your primary weapon.
And it would be very useful if you had to cut something or open a can of food.
When you dont have a gun, its the next best thing. As long as you know how to use it.
I have used my swiss army so many times for this, it crazy. Someone forgot a can opener...its don to the rescue!open a can of food.
I have never been stabbed, but I have been hit in the head with a light steel tube. It nearly knocked me out, and left a scar 3 inches long. But it did not go well for my attacker, I stopped him with a $30 Buck folder, then I stood trial and I was acquitted. In my view, a Buck folder is an excellent defender, when things hit the fan.Well at the risk of offending some members I have to say that I think a lot of people get wrapped up in fancy steel, what the SEALS carry and so on. Now I'm not saying I don't have a few high end knives ( mostly autos and OTFs), but I almost never carry them. On any given day I have a beat down $50 auto that has a mediocre steel blade, lovingly sharpened by yours truly with stones, a steel and a strop. Usually a knife I won't cry over if I lose. Always a knife I am not hesitant to use to pry some shite open or use as a chisel if necessary. And for the record, you really can't ruin a knife by sharpening it incorrectly. If you F up the angle you can always get it back. I have used angle grinders to repair broken knives.
I have been in knife fights and I have been stabbed. Take my word for it, the only way to win a knife fight is not to get in one. I do train and understand how to best utilize a blade " For me", but frankly a knife is always a last resort. If there is a pipe or an aluminum baseball bat handy I will go for it first every time.
I have a very similar knife. It’s a Buck skinner. Gutted a lot of deer with it.I have never been stabbed, but I have been hit in the head with a light steel tube. It nearly knocked me out, and left a scar 3 inches long. But it did not go well for my attacker, I stopped him with a $30 Buck folder, then I stood trial and I was acquitted. In my view, a Buck folder is an excellent defender, when things hit the fan.
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I have one of these and it’s very light, and I can drop into my pocket, or wear it on my belt.
And I can fight with it if I have to, so it’s as good of a knife as I will ever need.