Reloading a carbine smoothly is a skill that takes time and practice to master.
Before starting the actual drill, make sure your belt, magazine pouches, and magazines are set up and orientated in the correct position. Most AR-15 platform reloads will come from a vertical magazine pouch. The key to success is ensuring the bullets in your magazine are facing rearward when you set it in the pouch. If they are facing forward and toward your belt buckle, you will have a very awkward reloading experience.
Before starting the actual drill, make sure your belt, magazine pouches, and magazines are set up and orientated in the correct position. Most AR-15 platform reloads will come from a vertical magazine pouch. The key to success is ensuring the bullets in your magazine are facing rearward when you set it in the pouch. If they are facing forward and toward your belt buckle, you will have a very awkward reloading experience.
SHOOTING 101: A Carbine Reload Drill to Get Back in the Fight
Reloading a carbine smoothly is a skill that takes time and practice to master. It's a journey that I'm still