
A Picture from History: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Good article and history on the gunfight at the ok corral, some good pics also included.


Good brief and interesting article Anni, thanks!
Have read quite a bit on the gunfight. Giving up weapons peacefully was a rarity in some places because many things. Peacemakers or guns, particularly hand guns, were also known as equalizers for good reason. One is people depended on them being at hand as a last defense against a variety of threats like two legged, four legged or no legged snakes. In some stories relating to the shootout, is hard telling who was behind the law and who wasn't. Much was already known, like the lack of exact weapons used, most is guesswork and supposition. But, the corpse pic of the men hadn't seen before. Strangely, for now days in some ways, pics of the deceased were fairly common in those days of people at any age. Female, male, babes or adults was common. Possibly as some sort of proof of death or deed? Is likely and usually considered a bit morbid now days by many people. Public executions like lynchings were also commonly held in public gathering places as well back then.
Strangely, for now days in some ways, pics of the deceased were fairly common in those days of people at any age. Female, male, babes or adults was common. Possibly as some sort of proof of death or deed? Is likely and usually considered a bit morbid now days by many people.
I think that part of it is the fact that many people back then didn't have living photos because of how long it took to take an actual photo. Obviously the dead aren't moving so it's much easier to take a pic.
Also, there's the "mirrors with memories" carried over from the Victorian era to preserve the memory of the deceased.
There were pictures taken back then of entire dead families; it's pretty fascinating. We're a strange species.
Not quite related but similarly interesting, when I was in Sicily I went to the catacombs in Palermo and there's a child, Rosalia Lombardo, that was so well preserved that she looks like she's alive and sleeping. Such a cool thing to see up close and in person.