
A solution in search of a problem


Or an answer to a question no one asked. I’m referring to the new Winchester .21 Sharp. Frankly, why? Does anyone really want a cartridge that duplicates .22 LR while costing more (a lot more) per round AND requiring new firearms to be purchased as well? I don’t see it doing anything the plain old .22 LR can’t do for less $$ using existing firearms. Yeah, it’s has more “ballistically efficient” bullets, but is that needed for squirrels and tin cans? Nope. How about accuracy, better bullets and all? Nope, don’t think so. My early 90’s vintage Volquartson tweaked 10/22 will empty a mag into the one ragged hole from a rest all day long with decent ammo -I can’t shoot any better than that and don’t personally know anybody else who can 😏. I predict a great future for the Sharp. It may even approach the legendary status of the .45 GAP.
Seems to this old boy that most of the “latest/greatest” are nothing more than a rehash of something already out there. And most don’t last long run. One of the most successful is the 6.5 Creedmoor and even it really won’t do much an ancient 6.5 Swede won’t do, except fit in a shorter action.

Given, 6.5CM fitting in a short action means it will run in common large-chassis AR platforms…which was one of the reasons for its creation.
When I first saw the title of this thread the first thing that popped into my head was, who's gonna bring up the .40 Smith & Wesson again... 🙃

Frankly a whole bunch of these new whiz bang cartridges will never see any significant range time for me as they are all like: Why do we need this / who asked for this?

Besides the .21 Sharp, I'd give honorable mentions to the .30 Super Carry, and of course who could forget the venerable .45 GAP?

I would also throw the .357 SIG under the bus. Not that it's a bad cartridge, but virtually everyone I know who is in love with that caliber work for agencies where they don't have to purchase their ammunition...
From the mfgr’s point they make sense I guess. Convince the phases that the latest and greatest is what all the kool kids need and you get to peddle some very pricey ammo AND new firearms. Win win. By the time folks figure out they really don’t offer anything that doesn’t already exist you have another “new”.latest/greatest and the whole circle starts over. Color me cynical😏
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