
Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year


Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year

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If the price plummets, I'm going on a shopping spree!! I have calibers I need to stock up on! How about YOU??
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i'm hedging on reloading components dropping! if there's a big drop in component pricing, i'll buy brass in cartridges i don't have and possibly will use. sure, i might get some loaded ammo for some cartridges and shotgun ammo as it's high. while i haven't seen any fed gold medal match 215's lately (6k on hand) i mainly use cci250's. those prices have dropped 5-8 cents per as the lowest i've seen for them is 7.9 cents per. with many vv powders available it helps fill the void of alliant and imr unavailability in the slow burning rates (rl23-33 & 4831/7977/7828ssc/8133).
I'll believe it when primer prices are back to $25-$30 a thousand. In my area primers are $100+ a 1000 IF you can find them, it's still hit or miss on many. LPP are like hens teeth, magnum primers forgetaboutit.

He's correct that the last Trump presidency there was a pretty big contraction in the marketplace, nothing was moving UNTIL the plandemic.
I see small pistol primers dip to about $65/1K frequently, but powder isn't going down that I can see. A Hodgdon official said their powder ingredients have spiked about 30%. I used to buy 8 lb. kegs for around $260 and many of those have gone over $300, like maybe $330. I have been buying Perfect Pattern shotgun powder and my last purchase was about $280 after taxes, shipping and hazmat. I didn't wait for a sale that had free shipping or hazmat, but they appear from time to time. If you recall, there were media stories out there reporting cellulose supplies were drastically cut which means less supply will have an impact on prices in powder manufacturing. I have seen primers for roughly $50/1K, but those are usually foreign brands I'm unfamiliar with. Large pistol have been elusive for the past 2 years, so I bite when prices have dipped to $75/1K or so. I don't know about brass prices because I have a crapload for what I use.

I'm unfamiliar with factory ammo prices, but do see tempting prices when looking at ads. I know many of you buy bulk ammo (I'm somewhat jealous) and have no idea how that translates per box of 20 or 50. I don't shoot rifle caliber ammo, but I'm a retiree on a fixed income. I enjoy large caliber rounds, but 9mm is king. You can shoot a lot of 9 for what the others go for. I was looking hard at Pietta SAA clones in 9mm recently, blasphemy to the traditional crowd. I doubt I would buy a pair since I have multiple normal calibers already, but if starting out, I would strongly consider them.

I didn't watch the video since I prefer articles, but if the endless wars end, that would alleviate some of the supply issues. YMMV.
I see small pistol primers dip to about $65/1K frequently, but powder isn't going down that I can see. A Hodgdon official said their powder ingredients have spiked about 30%. I used to buy 8 lb. kegs for around $260 and many of those have gone over $300, like maybe $330. I have been buying Perfect Pattern shotgun powder and my last purchase was about $280 after taxes, shipping and hazmat. I didn't wait for a sale that had free shipping or hazmat, but they appear from time to time. If you recall, there were media stories out there reporting cellulose supplies were drastically cut which means less supply will have an impact on prices in powder manufacturing. I have seen primers for roughly $50/1K, but those are usually foreign brands I'm unfamiliar with. Large pistol have been elusive for the past 2 years, so I bite when prices have dipped to $75/1K or so. I don't know about brass prices because I have a crapload for what I use.

I'm unfamiliar with factory ammo prices, but do see tempting prices when looking at ads. I know many of you buy bulk ammo (I'm somewhat jealous) and have no idea how that translates per box of 20 or 50. I don't shoot rifle caliber ammo, but I'm a retiree on a fixed income. I enjoy large caliber rounds, but 9mm is king. You can shoot a lot of 9 for what the others go for. I was looking hard at Pietta SAA clones in 9mm recently, blasphemy to the traditional crowd. I doubt I would buy a pair since I have multiple normal calibers already, but if starting out, I would strongly consider them.

I didn't watch the video since I prefer articles, but if the endless wars end, that would alleviate some of the supply issues. YMMV.
as i mentioned a time or two, i have been using and happy with Hodgdon's TiteGroup, and i get the 8 lbs container...no price is available as its still out of stock, and that now is going on for the past 3-4 months at this one supplier i buy from...

but from Hodgdon itself, an 8 lbs jug is $289. plus i'd imagine the usual taxes, and fee's..??

that price is lower than i expected....

I've got an unopened 5lb jug of Unique, it was bought a few years ago, okay more than 30yrs ago for $40. 😆
I wonder if it is any good? I no longer have the ammunition to reload with it. It may be why it has sat unused for so long. It has been in a 40mm ammo can since I bought it in a basement.
as i mentioned a time or two, i have been using and happy with Hodgdon's TiteGroup, and i get the 8 lbs container...no price is available as its still out of stock, and that now is going on for the past 3-4 months at this one supplier i buy from...

but from Hodgdon itself, an 8 lbs jug is $289. plus i'd imagine the usual taxes, and fee's..??

that price is lower than i expected....

I used Titegroup for a while, but it is kinda smoky. It is efficient for the load you want. When I needed more, it was out of stock and bought 231 instead. I have a can of Winchester Super Lite, but 231 works for more loads I use.
I used Titegroup for a while, but it is kinda smoky. It is efficient for the load you want. When I needed more, it was out of stock and bought 231 instead. I have a can of Winchester Super Lite, but 231 works for more loads I use.
and at first many recommended 231, which i could not find back then, and the local store manager said titegroup works well.

yes, real smokey if i shoot lead, frankly hardly any smoke when i shoot copper coated or poly coated
I've got an unopened 5lb jug of Unique, it was bought a few years ago, okay more than 30yrs ago for $40. 😆
I wonder if it is any good? I no longer have the ammunition to reload with it. It may be why it has sat unused for so long. It has been in a 40mm ammo can since I bought it in a basement.
It's still good. I have some discontinued WSL probably older than that and it works fine. I have to look at older reloading manuals and the current burn charts no longer list it.
One article says there will be a shortage & prices will go up, and another article days there's a glut & prices will crash.

So goes internet click bait.

I don't see high-end "hunting" ammo coming down, although "Core-lok/Power-Point" Class stuff may decrease.

But bulk ammo has seen a steady decline.

With the economy slowing I see small firearms/retail/ammo vendors companies closing doors.

My .02
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