The market is what it is considering the events of the last 6-20 yrs with the 60% devaluation of the USD (aka inflation), overseas events, global inflation & supply-chain issues.
A slowing economy has pushed prices for high-use ammo types down, but I'm not seeing any noticeable decline in hunting types since those are low-use seasonal use types.
Cheap Russian ammo is not coming back.
The only lowwer priced stuff will be from the market trying to move towards steel-cased high-demand ammo types, and mil surplus stuff that has timed out in mil storage then pushed to the commercial market as it always has.
Dramatic price drops is click-bait crazy talk. The best prices will come from the few high-volume vendors that can get the best prices fromdistributors and importers.
You're not going to see cheap ammo from the big box stores.