
Ammunition Market Crash 2025 - Why Ammo Prices Will Drop Drastically This Year

I won’t believe anythjng until I find Green Dit in shelves again. That is my plus p 38 Special powder of choice bullseye and Win 231 is on but Green Dot is my favorite
Not any different than blue ir red dots......gone, but there's a silver lining for me (not sure for how long), I've got a good supply of blue for pistol. With Hodgdon buying up other brands and discontinuing them for their label is a joke as they raise their prices.
My eyes are not quite focused yet, so oh well. WTH is "ir" anyway (other than infrared)? It's not an actual word and 1 of the few that DOESN'T get autocorrected.
Screenshot_20250310_112353_Samsung Internet.jpg
Not any different than blue ir red dots......gone, but there's a silver lining for me (not sure for how long), I've got a good supply of blue for pistol. With Hodgdon buying up other brands and discontinuing them for their label is a joke as they raise their prices.
I’ve settled on Win 231 for my jacketed 125 in 38 and Winchester Super field in 45 acp I just have a pet load for 158 in 38 that I run green dot in so while I’m getting by there is a couple things I prefer to what I am able to depend on getting

I have noticed lower prices from my usual vendors but not significantly lower. Has the market bottomed out already? I have a monthly budget for ammo however I am not averse to spending ahead if prices are certain to increase. Let me gaze into my lead crystal ball. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Prior to COVID I was using more that 20,000 rounds a year in my training business. Ammo manufacturers have been gouging us ever since. We contributed to the problem by paying those prices. We have also screwed ourselves over the years by purchasing cheap foreign made ammo, which affects American manufacturing capacity. Why on Earth would we rely on foeign companies to produce such key national defense supplies? It is time for a correction.
when see primers below 50 for 1k of them...then maybe i will be a believer
i am so fortunate i stocked up on them right before the shiiiiiitttt show
The market is what it is considering the events of the last 6-20 yrs with the 60% devaluation of the USD (aka inflation), overseas events, global inflation & supply-chain issues.

A slowing economy has pushed prices for high-use ammo types down, but I'm not seeing any noticeable decline in hunting types since those are low-use seasonal use types.

Cheap Russian ammo is not coming back.

The only lowwer priced stuff will be from the market trying to move towards steel-cased high-demand ammo types, and mil surplus stuff that has timed out in mil storage then pushed to the commercial market as it always has.

Dramatic price drops is click-bait crazy talk. The best prices will come from the few high-volume vendors that can get the best prices fromdistributors and importers.

You're not going to see cheap ammo from the big box stores.