
Another article on Bear Handguns


This one had me chuckling a bit, other than trying to push 10mm semis, which we've discussed thoroughly in another chat, he only allows a brief mention for revolvers at the end. No mention of Linebaughs, .480 Ruger, the BFR lineup and many other choices besides what we have mentioned.

This one had me chuckling a bit, other than trying to push 10mm semis, which we've discussed thoroughly in another chat, he only allows a brief mention for revolvers at the end. No mention of Linebaughs, .480 Ruger, the BFR lineup and many other choices besides what we have mentioned.

Well, since it’s MSN….leader in…. wait for it………
Here’s a suggested test:

Go buy a extra-firm pillow. Tape it to your target backer at the range.

Press your chosen auto into it—HARD—like a bear was on top of you, and let me know if it goes bang.

This is why I like revolvers.
Here’s a suggested test:

Go buy a extra-firm pillow. Tape it to your target backer at the range.

Press your chosen auto into it—HARD—like a bear was on top of you, and let me know if it goes bang.

This is why I like revolvers.
YES!!! Read this two or three times if you need, let it sink in.

Animal trying to eat your face , revolver goes bang, pistol goes error try again later.
LOL good lord...look gang best ...best bear country gun. my NA 22 MAG mini. Stays hidden...bear busts out at you...calmly draw it shoot your girfriend in the knee and stroll off.

Years ago a hunter was out with his 30-30 hunting out west. He sees a bear couple hundred yards off...Takes aim and fire...dust clears and he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around there is this HUGE bear...the bear says "HEY DID you just try to shoot me? Tell ya what...ya got two choices....get mauled or drop your pants, bend over and take it like a man"

Later on angry and hurting...he stumbles into town goes to a gun store. Gets a 30-06 loads out and goes back out. Sees the bear couple hundred yards away...aims fires...dust clears...Tap on shoulder ...(see above.)

SO he goes into town GETS a Barrett .50 loaded to the gills. Goes out finds bear 500 yards off...Aims pulls trigger...small trees are shattered by the blast....dust clears...feels the Tap on his shoulder...(see above).

So now in real pain...limping he stumbles into the gun store...explains he needs the most "POWERFUL" weapon he can get...wink wink nudge nudge. The owner knows him so he sells him a LAWS Rocket.

He goes out sets up a hide...and waits...after an hour he sees the bear 100 yards off. He fires....small mountain disappears....he feels the tap on his shoulder...he turns around and sees the bear...The bear stops...and then asks "I'm just guessing but You aren't doing this for the hunting area you?"