My friends grandson did this. He and his wife are so embarrassed. Just goes to show you how young people handle situations.
Especially in this state. Our governor is not our friend when it comes to firearms!Kids like that will make it very difficult for folks to own firearms. An incident like that just gives the anti-gun crowd more ammo to use against us.
Imagine what kind of trouble the woman would be in if she took the gun away from the little CS and beat the living hell out of him.An 11 year old was recently arrested in Chicago for carjacking a woman while displaying a firearm. Reports say this was not his first violent offense. Imagine the press coverage if you resisted a jacking with deadly force.
It’s an endemic perpetuated and passed down by parents that have no morals or values to contribute to society so they allow their children to do whatever they want to whoever they want without consequences.My two youngest are 40+. Back when they were in elementary school my wife volunteered at the fundamental school as a tutor in the Math Superstars program, for kids who showed promise in math. One kid from the hood who needed positive parenting latched onto her in the program. About 6 weeks into the school year one day he asked her what her husband did in his job. When she told him police officer, he was shocked. He told her she was so nice, why would she marry a policeman? I am telling you, it is a culture of violence. These kids are taught this BS from the cradle. The 11 year old doing carjackings is emblematic of that subculture.
Sadly this woman seems ( based on the news reports, including this one) to be a lot more, or maybe I should say a lot less F'ed up than the parents in a lot of these kinds of cases. I think the marijuana charge is specious at best. They can't prove she used marijuana when she filled out the 4473 and I don't think there's a person alive that believes the law says if at any point in your life you smoke pot you need to turn your guns in. In reality, the marijuana thing is BS and stands a good chance of being thrown out by SCOTUS, possibly thanks to Hunter Biden. Furthermore, this woman apparently had her gun legally, which isn't necessarily the norm in someplace like, let's say St. Louis. She also apparently cooperated with the police. And her gun was in her purse. Not at all an unusual place for a woman to keep a gun. Some of the charges this woman pled guilty to aren't even criminal offenses in most of free America.Here is a followup to a prior incident involving a 6 year old
Deja Taylor, mother of 6-year-old who shot Virginia teacher Abby Zwerner, gets 2 years in prison for child neglect
Deja Taylor has now been sentenced twice for the classroom shooting, which stunned the nation and shook the city of Newport News.www.cbsnews.com
This whole case is appalling on many levels, yes the mother, (parents) are responsible for their children(s) actions however the school administrations lack of action after it was reported the child had a gun is reprehensible.Sadly this woman seems ( based on the news reports, including this one) to be a lot more, or maybe I should say a lot less F'ed up than the parents in a lot of these kinds of cases. I think the marijuana charge is specious at best. They can't prove she used marijuana when she filled out the 4473 and I don't think there's a person alive that believes the law says if at any point in your life you smoke pot you need to turn your guns in. In reality, the marijuana thing is BS and stands a good chance of being thrown out by SCOTUS, possibly thanks to Hunter Biden. Furthermore, this woman apparently had her gun legally, which isn't necessarily the norm in someplace like, let's say St. Louis. She also apparently cooperated with the police. And her gun was in her purse. Not at all an unusual place for a woman to keep a gun. Some of the charges this woman pled guilty to aren't even criminal offenses in most of free America.
Don't get me wrong, I think the woman should be held responsible for her 6 year old son and is negligent in leaving the possibility of the kid getting his hands on the gun. More so though she is responsible for the behavior of the kid. What 6 year old kid uses language like " I had to kill that b***h" ? I guarantee you a great many little kids in urban America use that kind of language and show that kind of disregard for human life. Your assessment of the culture is spot on for sure. My only point is this particular case, while being unusual for the age of the child, is actually mild and a lot less dangerous than a great number of situations that exist.
Well, besides the convictions, the Schizo-effective disorder testimony negates this woman's 2A rights going forward.