
Are You Truly Prepared for EDC?

Thanks for the link, Mike. After reading the article, I’m not exactly sure I understand his point, other than don’t leave your gun on the backseat in a Fanny pack. Always have it on you or you may not have it when you need it. He kind of vaguely got in to comfortable holsters, but seems (at least to me) to founder a bit in trying to make his point.
Mr. Rodriguez said; "There is nothing comfortable about carrying a gun". I find the opposite to be true. I have carried a gun, on duty and off, for my whole life. I'm at my most comfortable when I'm 'strapped'. When I'm not carrying is when I feel 'naked'.
Hell, I even have a "shower gun", in a waterproof box. God forbid I should ever need to defend against a home invasion robbery, but I don't want to literally get caught with my pants down!

My Shower Gun.jpg
You never know on how you will react in a time of crisis. Training, training, training, can help. Get that muscle memory going to react in a time of crisis.
Exactamundo! There's a latin phrase that exemplifies all that - Amat victoria curam. Basically, victory loves careful preparation. Training, always going armed, all the things we do to prevail in a gunfight should that day ever come when our lives are on the line, are all part of the warrior ethos.
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IDK man, that's an awful lot of words to say that if you're going to carry a gun you need to carry a gun everywhere you're legally permitted to do so every time you walk out your front door.

According to Paulita Maxwell Billy the Kid died because after they got done boinking he decided he wanted her to cook him some meat. So he ran over to Pete Maxwell's house (actually all the Maxwells lived in one large house that had previously been officers quarters at the fort) Barefoot and without his gun.

There is a lesson there if you look for it