
Baby Boomers 1946 to 1964.

Guys n gals, dunno why this thread hit me funny but i want to think out loud for a minute...
All over this site at various times we’ve shown what we own, mentioned our regions & home states, other little harmless tidbit...now a our age groups ??

Anybody ever heard of PII ?
Anybody know the game “20 Questions” ?

just food for thought !
(PS- i am 14, if anyone needs to know ;)
(PS- i am 14, if anyone needs to know ;)
Anybody notice that time accelerated as u got older ? The last 20 flew by.
The 20 before that dragged along, and seemed to contain the greatest changes (those were my exit from H Sch years, into the Army and workforce, etc....Communism fell; digital age started, social nuttiness rose, etc etc.... I dunno ).