
Belt carry a J Frame?


Master Class
I am first to admit after decades of hossing a 1911 around in a Milt Sparks inside the waistband holster it is a chore. It is big and heavy and you have to dress around it. To me, it was always worth it. I saw the J Frame Smith and Wesson or the Colt Detective Special as backup guns. But I also know that a lot of guys carry a J Frame Smith as their everyday/only gun and many of them carry them in a belt holster. Only you can decide what is right for you, but for me the minute a J Frame is not pocket carried in a pocket holster the two inch stays in the vault and a three inch goes on the belt. I feel the longer sight radius makes it easier to shoot, adds a significant boost to velocity and if you get the heavy barrel version the added advantage of a thicker front sight. My aging eyes really appreciate that last one. And one more thing...a longer ejector rod, which aids in positive ejection of spent shells. Try a three inch if you currently carry a two inch snubby. I think you will be a convert as well.
When i was a kid we always had squirt guns my favorite was a snub nose. My parents always watched Mannix and he carried his. 38 behind his back and I thought that was kinda handy and cool. So I carried it in my hip pocket. That is a habit that stuck to this day, sitting on a snub now lol.
There's already too much of me inside my belt. I never have liked IWB carry. :rolleyes:
I carry just about everything OWB. Including my little 2" S&W 642 which has become pretty regular for me as I age. Only rarely do I pocket carry. Its just too slow and awkward for me.
If I want something more, I go to my 3" Model 13 K-frame. Carries well, conceals well and shoots a whole lot better. ;)
I agree on the K Frame for belt carry. It is slightly larger than a J Frame, but the trigger is a lot easier to manage, and if you get it worked on the K Frame can really be a smooth shooter. But for those that can't put up with the small increase in weight and bulk of the K over the J and are married to the J Frame platform...those are the ones I am encouraging to try the three inch J frame. It is a remarkable difference.
I'm very fond of the Colt "D" frame revolvers. Detective Special, Diamondback, Police Positive Special, etc. Bigger than the S&W J-frame, but slightly smaller than the K-frame. 6 shots, very easy to carry and conceal, yet big enough to shoot very well. Unfortunately, my D-frames are now considered collectable and too valuable for EDC. :rolleyes:

If I ever find one, I'm very likely to buy one of the new 3" Colt Vipers and carry it. ;)
Trying to find a holster for a 3" is frustrating, but 2" holsters are everywhere.

I have not bought a off the shelf holster for many years. I have all of mine custom made, usually at no more cost that a quality production holster, and I get what I want. The only down side is you have to wait a few weeks while they are being custom made.

Nixon Gunleather has been making my holsters for me the past few years and I asked him to make this holster for my 3 inch S&W model 65 for me.

S&W 65 (9).jpg