Evaluation & Testing Session 1
Evaluation & Testing Session 2
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Evaluation & Testing Session 1
Evaluation & Testing Session 2
Yes, BHSolutions have done two good first impressions evaluations with SA's interpretation of the BHP.Thanks Talyn, very good awareness info of what to possibly expect if or when purchasing a SA-35. Were good explanatory promo videos. They didn't just say one thing or the other, they explained why in their opinion from what they experienced or shown.
Awareness info? Spring rates seemed to be off possibly creating other possible issues like with the safety or barrel in videos. Some like the barrels recoil spring will likely relax to a degree. The safety issue could possibly be remedied by a stiffer spring rate. Burring on the slide stop usually no biggie, can likely debur and refinish. Mostly all issues seen are very doable replacements or repairs if and when needed.
Put thoughts of SA possibly used Tisas info as a guide for sights and barrel too when seeking replacement sight for one reason or another. Who knows? First run mechanical products generally have some sort of complications until further refined, so is likely to to be expected in one form or another from experience? On the bright side, most parts seem to be available except for sights, other than what SA and Tisas possibly used.
Yes, BHSolutions have done two good first impressions evaluations with SA's interpretation of the BHP.
I still intend to get one but some discoveries were telling such as the components related to the sear function which were the most obvious ones to me. That would need to be improved with better BHS components, as well as some spring replacements & the BHS extended slide release (which I've used on a Mk II BHP).
I do have a BHP parts box, and when I get a SA-35 I have a BHP barrel to swap in & out for testing.
We'll see how the firing tests (like they did for the Tisas) play out in further reports.
I knew up front that I'd get an BHS extended slide release, but seeing that I'd have to sink some extra $$ into one to fix some of the guts has bumped getting one down a notch or two.Feel about the same from what have seen so far.
No matter the project, always nice to have a good base or foundation. The SA-35 looks like one from here.
I knew up front that I'd get an BHS extended slide release, but seeing that I'd have to sink some extra $$ into one to fix some of the guts has bumped getting one down a notch or two.
I've been monitoring out-of-town orgs to grab one when I get a notice but now I'll wait till the dust settles and they show up in town.
I have other items on the acquistion list that will bump up a few places now.