
BHSpringSolutions Springfield SA-35 Hi-Power Evaluation & Testing Session 4 - First firing test & Session 3 follow-up


Founding Member
Part 1 - First firing test, and....

Part 2 - Parts substitutions disclosed in Session 3

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Part 1 - First firing test, and....

Part 2 - Parts substitutions disclosed in Session 3

View attachment 22241
Ok. You lost my complete interest in listening when you change parts then encounter a problem in your testing. What happened to test the firearm extensively THEN showcase your products if they make a marked improvement. As in the guys that put the 10,000 then 20,000 rounds thru a Hellcat. That is impressive.The only problem I had with those tests was the fact I didnt get to help.
Well first of all I didn't do the testing. BHSS did. I'm [psting these for the benefit of folks here since this is a SA website.

They're the most knowledgeable shop in the US regarding the BHP platform. They found all the issues with the first version of the Tisas version of the BHP.

Second, BHSS only swapped out parts "they" deemed had a safety issue for testing. BHSS changing out the Type 1 sear part & firing pin spring which had no relationship to....

Third, the ejector issue was still related to a factory part.

Forth, swapping out the recoil spring was to evaluate the ejection distance of the spent cases.

Lastly, these tests are not only a very thorough evaluation of the SA-25 which a potential buyer like myself wants to see so I know what improvements are needed based on the BHSS evaluation; but like with any pistol, whatever the design, shows alot of folks what can affect firearms function, and when pistol behavior changes what spring fatigue can factor into the degraded function. And when to relaize when it's time to change worn springs.

Plus, there have been more than a few folks here asking questions about swapping springs out to reduce perceived recoil and/or to control the brass ejection so they don't have to chase their brass. These tests should remind folks on what happens when you change spring strength.
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Well first of all I didn't do the testing. BHSS did. I'm [psting these for the benefit of folks here since this is a SA website.

They're the most knowledgeable shop in the US regarding the BHP platform. They found all the issues with the first version of the Tisas version of the BHP.

Second, BHSS only swapped out parts "they" deemed had a safety issue for testing. BHSS changing out the Type 1 sear part & firing pin spring which had no relationship to....

Third, the ejector issue was still related to a factory part.

Forth, swapping out the recoil spring was to evaluate the ejection distance of the spent cases.

Lastly, these tests are not only a very thorough evaluation of the SA-25 which a potential buyer like myself wants to see so I know what improvements are needed based on the BHSS evaluation; but like with any pistol, whatever the design, shows alot of folks what can affect firearms function, and when pistol behavior changes what spring fatigue can factor into the degraded function.

Plus, there have been more than a few folks here asking questions about swapping springs out to reduce perceived recoil and/or to control the brass ejection so they don;t have to chase their brass. These tests should remind folks on what happens when you change spring strength.
My sincere apologies if I offended you. I agree with everything you said because its fact. And I did not think you did the test. What I was trying to say is for a thorough evaluation in my opinion the weapon should be thoroughly tested out of the box. Then make the necessary changes for defective parts if any. And then showcase the products you are selling. I have a beautiful Browning HiPower Practical. It is one of the last forged slide and frame before they went to investment casting. When that happened the gun writers said the casting was better. Maybe? Cheaper to make. Anyway I guess I am getting old and have very set opinions about how I think things should be done. And yes I do think or know just how much difference springs make. Probably one of two things that affect accuracy in a pistol are springs and barrels. I will go back and watch the entire video because I do plan on purchasing one
Well first of all I didn't do the testing. BHSS did. I'm [psting these for the benefit of folks here since this is a SA website.

They're the most knowledgeable shop in the US regarding the BHP platform. They found all the issues with the first version of the Tisas version of the BHP.

Second, BHSS only swapped out parts "they" deemed had a safety issue for testing. BHSS changing out the Type 1 sear part & firing pin spring which had no relationship to....

Third, the ejector issue was still related to a factory part.

Forth, swapping out the recoil spring was to evaluate the ejection distance of the spent cases.

Lastly, these tests are not only a very thorough evaluation of the SA-25 which a potential buyer like myself wants to see so I know what improvements are needed based on the BHSS evaluation; but like with any pistol, whatever the design, shows alot of folks what can affect firearms function, and when pistol behavior changes what spring fatigue can factor into the degraded function. And when to relaize when it's time to change worn springs.

Plus, there have been more than a few folks here asking questions about swapping springs out to reduce perceived recoil and/or to control the brass ejection so they don't have to chase their brass. These tests should remind folks on what happens when you change spring strength.

Just trying to help is all because the misunderstanding is seen from time to time around here. .... The "You or yours" can also be a regional or sometimes a generational figure of speech, it can be very misleading at times. - You/yours can also be used in generalized terms by people. You/yours is not always used personally by some people and by some people it is. Usually no harm or foul intended by anyone. I've been guilty of it at times too. Can be a royal headache to explain better.
My sincere apologies if I offended you. I agree with everything you said because its fact. And I did not think you did the test. What I was trying to say is for a thorough evaluation in my opinion the weapon should be thoroughly tested out of the box. Then make the necessary changes for defective parts if any. And then showcase the products you are selling. I have a beautiful Browning HiPower Practical. It is one of the last forged slide and frame before they went to investment casting. When that happened the gun writers said the casting was better. Maybe? Cheaper to make. Anyway I guess I am getting old and have very set opinions about how I think things should be done. And yes I do think or know just how much difference springs make. Probably one of two things that affect accuracy in a pistol are springs and barrels. I will go back and watch the entire video because I do plan on purchasing one
Not offended, just trying to clarify things.

With all the new gun owners that show up here I was just trying to point out things that new folks may not understand.

I didn't have any issue with BHDD since safety is #1, and am learning more about the platform based on their evaluation.

The "you" thing is odd, if as BobM says perhaps it's a regional thing. Have always been used to it having a direct personal meaning.

Coms on the net are not as good as face-to-face.

BTW - I had a Browning HiPower Practical back in the early 90's. Definitely beautiful, but had pretty sharp edges on it. I traded it off for something else, but later got a Mk.II (the last forged frames). I upgraded it and eventually swapped it back to the original owner in another transaction.

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