
Biden promises legislating “Eight bullets in a round” Bottomless ignorance on guns

I tried putting one round and seven bullets in my Hellcat but they would not all fit and the extra bullets fell out when I holstered it. 🤪
BobT- You need 12" brass and a 16" barrel to make this work on your Hellcat using flat nose bullets. You'll also have to modify your mag well but you can turn that into a nice shoulder brace. Weight will increase to about 20 lbs. for a 10 round mag and good luck finding a workable CC holster! :rolleyes:
As this is under "Armed with knowledge" it has no merit! When posting anything from anti-2a peeps it should be "Armed with stupidity/ignorance"! Especially when it comes to 2A!
I can't see this passing as Federal Law but if your State decides to pass it consider it done.