
Biopsy Result



The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
ask about Y90. If they dont offer it, seek out other cancer centers that may offer it on your insurance. It injects tiny radioactive particles, which kill the cancer, and then suck them back out. One or two treatments and you're done.
Cancer treatment is like anything else, get 2nd and 3rd opinions and go from there.
Sorry you're going through this but there are always options beyond what your doctor offers.
The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
Wow, no I never had that procedure, hope all goes well and a speedy recovery when you start your treatments
The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
Been there and done exactly that!! In 2016 I was diagnosed with a cancer on my nose. Don't remember exactly the kind, but it did have to be either surgically removed or radiated. I chose the radiation. Every weekday for 6 full weeks I'd show up, they'd stick a lead slug up my nose, cover my man parts with a lead sheet/shield, and shoot me with the rays. Seems like it took about an hour per session and I'd sometimes drop off to sleep.

Definitely worth it though since it got it cleared up and no more issues till about 4 months ago. I was peeling a "Breathright" strip off my nose one morning and a little square patch of skin pulled off with it. A little patch about 3/32" sq. Scared the hell out of me thinking it had come back. So ................

Off to the dermatologist I went. He said he didn't think it was the cancer but to be sure he gave me some kind of ointment to put on it a couple times a day for 21 days. If it was cancer, the ointment would cause it to blister up and look like raw hamburger meat as it killed the bad cells. Turned out to be no cancer and thus no raw hamburger.

But in the end it was all worth it since I found out that once you've had radiation on the cancer, at least the type I had, if it comes back it can't be irradiated a second time. Don't know why that is, but I think because it would ultimately cause more damage to the surrounding areas than the cancer would.

Anyway, said all that to say this: Go get it done asap. You won't reqret it. And if you as purty as I am, it won't even mess up that purty nose!!! ;)(y):) jj
The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
Good luck , you will be in our prayers
The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
Prayers for a speedy positive outcome and recovery, I had one scare about 20 years ago when I discovered a lump on the back of my upper right leg. My PCP sent me to a surgeon who removed it in his office and it was sent out for testing, it came back as pre-cancerous cells and there was concerns about it all not being removed so I went back under the knife as an outpatient in my local hospital to have a larger area removed to ensure they got it all. In the end a section the size of a half dollar was removed. Never came back. 🙏
all i can say/add is, "go for what is best for YOU", and if the doctor(s) claim a high success rate, then why not.???

and as far as "staying as purty as the day you were born"..???

every's butt was purty........after all, how many baby pics do you have that your parents took, of your butt showing sunny side up.......?????

kinda says it all about anything else we have....huh...?????
@nmedge, you'll be fine. They have many options now a days, all of them seem to work great, just find which one works for you.

I had cancer removed twice, about 10 years apart, from the same spot on the left side of my nose. Needed a growth removed from another location but couldn't get an appt with any dermatologist for 15-18 months so I went to my wife's plastic surgeon. I didn't know I had the cancer but she saw it on my nose while removing the other growth and removed it. Her problem was she didn't remove enough on either spot she operated on, both came back. Finally got in with a dermatologist group and they removed it a section at a time. They put each piece under a microscope while I laid there until they saw they had it all.

Both times the nose healed just fine. Not saying I was purdy to start with but it looks like my nose did before.

Since then I know a couple people that had the noninvasive chemo seeds implanted treatment on other more serious cancers with complete success (prostate cancer for one). So I can imagine this would work great on your nose as well.

Good luck.
The biopsy result on my nose came back today. It is cancer- the most common one. It has to be removed and the options given were surgery or radiation. Because of where it is they say will be hard to get and will need re-constructive surgery. The other option would be the way to go, will be painless, and will not require surgery after it has been performed. The only issue is that it will take up to 20 sessions over 7 weeks to perform. Guess radiation will be the way to go for me. They say I will be happy with the results. Don't know yet when this all will start but I assume soon. Has anyone here gone thru this procedure? Did it go well?
Best of luck to you that what ever treatment you go with, will result being cancer free.
all i can say/add is, "go for what is best for YOU", and if the doctor(s) claim a high success rate, then why not.???

and as far as "staying as purty as the day you were born"..???

every's butt was purty........after all, how many baby pics do you have that your parents took, of your butt showing sunny side up.......?????

kinda says it all about anything else we have....huh...?????