Good article, two very strong points made in that story. 1st people need to focus on rescue animals, most times they are great pets. 2nd is the discussion people have between mutes or mix breeds and pure bred dogs.
Pure bred dogs have papers, that in itself means nothing. It’s just documentation of lineage. Pure bred dogs have more health issues, it’s proven they don’t live as long as mix breeds. Mixed breeds make better family pets. They are friendlier as well as very protective. Now it’s a given there is an exception to everything.
My ex loved Great Danes, the sweetest giant dogs, unfortunately they don’t live long because of there size, 7-8 years max. During one point she rescued a Dane/Dalmatian mix, that dog was psycho, no one could go near my ex when the dog was with her. The day the dog went after our son was the day it was put down.