
Buckeye Firearms Association

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Founding Member
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People really do have too much time on their hands. I was always under the impression that Legos where used during "creative" playtime. So let's take that away from the kids as well. It's much better to put them in front of a video game because we all know, there is no violence and language in any of those.
It certainly is. I think a lot of this follows bad parenting, as in the inability to teach children right from wrong. They have this "lets just eliminate everything we think is bad for society" mentality so our children can grow up in the land of rainbows and unicorns.
When I was younger, my parents gave me a Starsky and Hutch toy gun set. Remeber Starsky and Hutch? The car was cool as well. (had a matchbox one of those too) I didnt grow up to be a criminal becasue I had toy guns. I actually learned from my parents what was right and wrong and they didnt read it from some magazine on how to be a parent. As far as making a gun out of Legos? Get a grip people. It's Legos.
It certainly is. I think a lot of this follows bad parenting, as in the inability to teach children right from wrong. They have this "lets just eliminate everything we think is bad for society" mentality so our children can grow up in the land of rainbows and unicorns.
When I was younger, my parents gave me a Starsky and Hutch toy gun set. Remeber Starsky and Hutch? The car was cool as well. (had a matchbox one of those too) I didnt grow up to be a criminal becasue I had toy guns. I actually learned from my parents what was right and wrong and they didnt read it from some magazine on how to be a parent. As far as making a gun out of Legos? Get a grip people. It's Legos.
Starsky and Hutch that's a blast. I am sure someone could use Lego's to aid in making a firearm just as they can with PVC though the last time I checked Home Depot is still selling plastic pipe.
It certainly is. I think a lot of this follows bad parenting, as in the inability to teach children right from wrong. They have this "lets just eliminate everything we think is bad for society" mentality so our children can grow up in the land of rainbows and unicorns.
When I was younger, my parents gave me a Starsky and Hutch toy gun set. Remeber Starsky and Hutch? The car was cool as well. (had a matchbox one of those too) I didnt grow up to be a criminal becasue I had toy guns. I actually learned from my parents what was right and wrong and they didnt read it from some magazine on how to be a parent. As far as making a gun out of Legos? Get a grip people. It's Legos.

"Remeber Starsky and Hutch?

During the popularity of that show, our shop aboard ship had the notoriety of having two guys named Starkey and Hutchko. 😎
People really do have too much time on their hands. I was always under the impression that Legos where used during "creative" playtime. So let's take that away from the kids as well. It's much better to put them in front of a video game because we all know, there is no violence and language in any of those.
That Annihilator guy does have a lot of time, just check his post......cough......COUGH...... heeeheheehaaaaa!
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