
California Legislators Approve New Gun And Ammo Tax

I hate this F-ing state. I wish I had the funds to leave. This Tax BS is not going to help nothing just like the cigarette tax doesn't help anything. Even the money from the lottery doesn't help the schools or they wouldn't bitch about needing it.
I'm so tired of doing everything right and within the law just to get screwed over and over while the law breaker's get special treatment. Sorry for Ranting but this crap is getting old.
I hate this F-ing state. I wish I had the funds to leave. This Tax BS is not going to help nothing just like the cigarette tax doesn't help anything. Even the money from the lottery doesn't help the schools or they wouldn't bitch about needing it.
I'm so tired of doing everything right and within the law just to get screwed over and over while the law breaker's get special treatment. Sorry for Ranting but this crap is getting old.
Hey Cookie, sorry for your predicament. I admittedly have no idea what you do, but you might consider communicating with potential employers in the midwest about a transfer. Companies are so short of employees around me (WI) that negotiating assistance with a relocation is certainly warranted. Cost of living is SO much lower around here....a lower "wage" might actually be a much higher net-income after living expenses. Avoid IL for obvious reasons, but most states around here have TONS of jobs with no applicants (other than unemployment qualification applicants).
Hey Cookie, sorry for your predicament. I admittedly have no idea what you do, but you might consider communicating with potential employers in the midwest about a transfer. Companies are so short of employees around me (WI) that negotiating assistance with a relocation is certainly warranted. Cost of living is SO much lower around here....a lower "wage" might actually be a much higher net-income after living expenses. Avoid IL for obvious reasons, but most states around here have TONS of jobs with no applicants (other than unemployment qualification applicants).

I agree. It can't hurt to put out feelers.
Anyone want to bet that scarcely any of this extortion will actually go toward "school safety"? More likely be used to line the pockets of the teachers' unions and fund more pedophile indoctrination projects.
Do we scratch New Mexico off the list?

Albuquerque has alot of crime issues so as Dem govts do these suppress the right to bear arms for thr law-abiding.

It's rare for CA citizens to vote down a tax, especially when it's "for the children". But the citizens didn't even get the chance to vote on this. A grassroots effort for a ballot measure, properly worded, could go so far as to change the state constitution. Ballot measures can be used to repeal taxes and bad law, all kinds of legislation. All it takes is a LOT of signatures, about a million or two.

There are a few things I miss about CA, but the Golden State has definitely lost its luster. I hope the voters wise up before the state implodes. Don't get me started. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
