
Campus disorder

Time to open up a can....


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They should smoke them out , but the authorities won’t .
At the very least cut power, water , internet to the building. No one gets in or out. Not mommy , not daddy and certainly not Uber eats. Make it uncomfortable as hell, they’ll come out.
Then arrest and charge every single one. These spoiled a&& kids need to be held accountable.
My dad would have stomped a mud hole in my butt then walked it dry.
They should smoke them out , but the authorities won’t .
At the very least cut power, water , internet to the building. No one gets in or out. Not mommy , not daddy and certainly not Uber eats. Make it uncomfortable as hell, they’ll come out.
Then arrest and charge every single one. These spoiled a&& kids need to be held accountable.
My dad would have stomped a mud hole in my butt the walked it dry.
some are not even students, but agitators that go from one protest to another......the ones that ARE students are nothing more than sheeple, so many of them have been quoted as saying, they don't even know why they themselves are there. and those that were quoted, were on the talk radio i listen to.

gas them, smoke them, blast them with rubber bullets.

expel them from the universities, as it is now, it has been said, many employers are watching this and keeping track of who NOT to hire upon graduations.

some don't care, they have mommy and daddy footing the bills, or grants, or scholarships.....so it ain't thier money

i say make them work and earn thier own way, kick them out of the house...let them really see life.
Bring them Vietnam war era MRE’s
MRE. The only bargain the military ever got. THREE LIES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Also, back then they were C-Rats, but you knew that. Thats why we all still carry a P-38 :love:;)

Where is the clown In Charge at Waco, maybe he can "negotiate" with the "students"?:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Seriously, if you are a citizen (non-citizens are guests and have a responsibility as such. STFU or go home!) you have the right to voice your opinion, and/or opposition to the Gov. You do NOT have the right to take over buildings, block traffic etc. Enough is enough, clear the thugs out, by whatever means necessary, if they get hurt, too bleeping bad.