
Charging handle rubbing

Hello, this is sort of a stupid question but I want to make sure everything is fine! Last night I did a field strip to clean my saint and I lubricated everything as recommended. I put it back together and did a functions check and as I was using the charging handle I noticed it was getting sort of hard to pull back and a powder started to come out so I stopped and I looked at my charging handle, I noticed that the coating on the right side was scratched quite a bit! Before I did this there was pretty much no wear marks, but now it looks super worn! I have a feeling I didn't pull the charging handle straight back and this is what caused it to scratch and rub the coating off one side. Will this hurt anything to keep using this charging handle or should I buy another one to be safe? I think it should be okay, but just want your opinions on what causes this and if it's okay!

Thank you and God bless you!
They do show wear marks it’s unavoidable, there are better charging handles on the market but I wouldn’t lose any sleep over wear marks, I will say I used a thin coat of gun grease on the surface of the charging handle when I ran AR’s just remember the clean up time is slightly increased.