
Civil Liberties Watch: Congress Really Wants a Look Into Gun Buyers’ Bank Accounts


Founding Member
Well another bill to go after us, the law abiding gun owners, with all these ridiculous bills that are being presented, one wonders why anybody would want to be identified as being on the left….

Kyle Rittenhouse has a right to a speedy trial. He has rotted on house arrest for about a year while they connive to rig his trial. We all have a right to buy firearms for defense or sport. Legal firearms. Legal buyers. Yet they scheme against this entire group continually. Virtually everything they do now is unconstitutional and designed to be used against traditional Americans, of whom they are apparently terrified.
We need to ask ourselves why.
"We all have a right to buy firearms for defense or sport".

Or no reason at all. Because we have the right. And no reason is required.

Another false lead and unnecessary redundancy; just look at the ATF/background checks records.

Like fishing lures, cue sticks, golf clubs, girl friends and a host of other items, No number of firearms, ammo/accessories/weapons is too many nor illegal. The constitution is silent on numbers. Use Cash.

Banks reporting and IRS/Treasury/others for enforcement/compliance is not new and will continue to expand; what is you alcohol budget? Tobacco? MJ? Which magazines do you subscribe to? Watch out! don't let your conservative budget show. Too many toy purchases from the Lions Den? Ur bank (by law) gonna rat u out and Uncle Sammy gonna want some. Government will set limits on whatever they want. Too many Reeses cups? Ah, diabetic risk, cut off the Medicare/Medicaid. Yes. digital money (soon to be the only kind) will be your personal blueprint, Dude is purchasing too many practice targets.......what's he up to? Jesus.....look at those blue pill expenditures, got too slow 'im down. No end to what's too many when Uncle Snoopy audits your digital budget. Shut him down now or he's gonna shut you down.
Kyle Rittenhouse has a right to a speedy trial. He has rotted on house arrest for about a year while they connive to rig his trial. We all have a right to buy firearms for defense or sport. Legal firearms. Legal buyers. Yet they scheme against this entire group continually. Virtually everything they do now is unconstitutional and designed to be used against traditional Americans, of whom they are apparently terrified.
We need to ask ourselves why.
There are dozens of Jan 6 “ insurrectionists” who have been detained for 10 months now with no charges even being filed against them. And somehow actual gun owners on this forum think it’s a good idea to allow the government to mandate some unspecified “ training” before you’re allowed to buy or carry a firearm.

It always amuses me when people who spend a not insignificant amount of time and energy complaining about government overreach start proselytizing about how we should give the government more power. You know, when their guys are in control. The Patriot Act is a perfect example of this.
Best. But unless a private transaction the record is still there.
I think this is the important issue. The feds have a 4473 for every purchase you make through an FFL.

So the issue with financial transactions is really about banks looking at your transactions and saying “we don’t want you using our credit card to buy firearms” and “we’ll cancel you if you do.”

My attitude is go for it. And I will pull all of my accounts too if you even mention it to me.