
Close Calls: Bridget’s Dangerous Grizzly Encounters

The Griz are getting closer to Utah, Bridget.

The population in the "Winds" (aka Wind River Range) is spreading out & it's less than 100 air miles from the Wyoming Range to the Uinta's.

All good points in your article applies to griz country in the Northern/Middle Rockies & Yellowstone.
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I caught a show on the discovery channel today called (I Was Prey)
This one guy talked about being attacked by a Grizzly Bear with Cubs, he first saw it at over 100 yards away, it then went away he continued his hike then heard a twig snap, when he turned around the bear was 40 yards away and on him in seconds he was able to hit the bear square in the face with bear spray that did nothing to deter the attack.
Although he did survive his description of being chewed on and torn up by the bears claws was graphic.
I'm confused. Here's this chick talking about the dangers of bear encounters. But all I see is her posing with grizzlies like they're her pets. Are they dead or what? What am I missing?
I'm confused. Here's this chick talking about the dangers of bear encounters. But all I see is her posing with grizzlies like they're her pets. Are they dead or what? What am I missing?

She's a hunting/fishing guide as well as an author.

So when you see her posing with something it's dead vs. sleeping, or if a fish taking a pic before releasing it back in.
Am wondering what your 10MM was loaded with? Maybe a follow up article on pistol and load combinations specifically for grizz?
Am wondering what your 10MM was loaded with? Maybe a follow up article on pistol and load combinations specifically for grizz?
Loads with deep penetration is key.

Hard cast and/or a bonded partition type.

Am wondering what your 10MM was loaded with? Maybe a follow up article on pistol and load combinations specifically for grizz?
Actually there are a few different companies who make bullets specifically for such huge mammals.
I would be confident to say she used?
Solid copper bullet, monolithic and plenty of powder and of course quality firearm.

You need a bullet that will easily pass through extremely thick skull for a brain shot for an instant kill or through bonnes and directly to the heart for a quick kill shot.
Absolutely fantastic story. Hunting and walking in areas that contain high level predators adds a unique thrill, rush, whatever you want to call it. I carry a Kimber 325 WSM while hunting in SW Montana and also bear spray. Ms Fabel doesn't say much about bear spray. There is currently no Grizzly hunting in MT, although there should be, and I do not want to kill a Griz unless I absolutely have no choice, hence the bear spray. Granted Alaskan brown bears are normally larger than Montana Grizzlies but I wonder if Ms Fabel considers bear spray an alternative or at least first line of defense?