
Cold War Bruisers


Founding Member
A Royal Air Force Avro Vulcan B.2 (s/n XH535) in flight with a U.S. Air Force Boeing B-52H-135-BW Stratofortress (s/n 60-0006)–the first B-52H to fly– over the Mojave desert near Edwards Air Force Base on 10 July 1961.

The BUFF will outlive most of us, and the English deterrent has already died a slow death.

The "V" series RAF bombers were relegated to the scrap heap, refueling, and long range SEAD (Vulcans last hoorah was the Falkland Islands).

And the RAFs dwindling is paralleled by the ever dwindling presence of the Royal Navy.

But I'll leave that the research of the curious.......
The BUFF will outlive most of us, and the English deterrent has already died a slow death.

The "V" series RAF bombers were relegated to the scrap heap, refueling, and long range SEAD (Vulcans last hoorah was the Falkland Islands).

And the RAFs dwindling is paralleled by the ever dwindling presence of the Royal Navy.

But I'll leave that the research of the curious.......
Yup. Britain's sole nuclear deterrence resides in four Trident missile subs.