
Colt King Cobra - Charming the 357 Magnum

Any of the new snake guns are definitely on my bucket list. Unfortunately, all of my recent purchases have been MSR's. I guess the fact that the left hasn't started talking about banning wheelguns has made me a little lax about picking one up. Until the price comes down a bit, or my income goes up, they will probably have to linger on the bucket list for awhile.
They had one at the LGS a couple weeks ago (not the Target, but the compact) when I bought my Hellcat. It is sexy. But, thanks to MD's 30 day rule (one handgun every 30 days)...I'm sure it'll be gone before my time is up. :cautious:
They had one at the LGS a couple weeks ago (not the Target, but the compact) when I bought my Hellcat. It is sexy. But, thanks to MD's 30 day rule (one handgun every 30 days)...I'm sure it'll be gone before my time is up. :cautious:
Can't you just give your LGS a deposit and put it on layaway for 30 days or is that not allowed in MD?
Legally, allowed. I think.

Current climate? Not holding ANYthing. He was "underhanded" when I got my Hellcat - told him I'd take it, he asked for my HQL (handgun license), it was in my safe. I had my carry permit with me as always, but not the handgun license. (In MD, you have to have the HQL to buy a handgun - which has its own set of requirements and classes; once you have the HQL, you can apply for your carry permit).

"I can't hold anything" he said as he picked up the 'cat and started walking to the back room...and over his shoulder told me "drive fast".

I was back in 64 minutes with my license.