I've gathered these links in one handy post. Follow me for more profound glimpses into the obvious.

General USCCA benefit information:
Link to USCCA Membership agreement (PDF file):
Link to USCCA Self-Defense Liability Policy (PDF file):
General CCW Safe benefit plans information:
Explanation of the CCW Safe "Legal Service Subscription Plan" (Terms and Conditions):
Terms of Service CCW Safe is a Legal Services Subscription Plan (“the Plan”) that protects and serves the best interests of our members before, during, and after any Covered Self-Defense Use of Force Incident. The Plan is not an insurance product, a pre-paid legal plan, or a reimbursement plan...
In no particular order,
a list of websites that compare the two companies:
We present you two of the best CCW insurances you can get today. Both USCCA and CCW Safe are great in their own way, so read on to learn more about them!
Every CCW carrier should have CCW insurance. However, you need to make sure you get the best. It's USCCA vs CCW Safe! Which is better?
CCW Safe VS USCCA. That's a popular question these days, how do they compare? Which is better? Josh attempts to answer that question, here.
CCW Safe and USCCA are among the most popular and widely used legal self-defense programs on the market. Check the pros and cons.
Thank you for your indulgence,