
Research uncovers secret that made ancient Roman concrete so durable
Scientists from a MIT, Harvard University study found the secret to what made ancient Roman concrete last thousands of years.
Never miss an episode, also got most of the shows guests books…..yea, I’m a gooberI’m an Ancient Alien dude, didn’t read article though, sorry!
That’s the worst kept secret around here..yea, I’m a goober
Amen to that.I hear people try to claim that the invention of the Transistor and integrated circuits (IC) must have been reversed engineered technology from the Alien Crash in Roswell, NM. Because human being could never invent something so complex. Huh? It just proves they have no idea what a Transistor and IC is, nor what Bell Labs was doing at the time.
Its no different than the bozos that rage with moral indignation about history and historic figures in a total vacuum of context and history using a lens of modern sensibilities. People look at ancient technologies, in a total vacuum of context, history and relative industrial scaling, using a lens of modern life full of technology in ever aspect, to conclude there is no way these ancient people could be so advanced. Just because how they did it was lost over the eons, and we have a hard time figuring it out, from the lens of modern industrial scale, doesn't mean its that advanced. Nor does the lack of proliferation of technology throughout every aspect of life in Ancient times means that ancient people were that ignorant nor didn't have some advanced technologies...
Never miss an episode, also got most of the shows guests books…..yea, I’m a goober
View attachment 34720
which is why i basically watch, Motor Trend, reruns of Big Bang Theory, Married with children, and nearly any other movie channel.The History Channel is now the Ancient Aliens and Conspiracy Theories channel.
The Travel Channel is now the Ghost, Haunted Places and Paranormal Activity Channel.
Lifetime is a the disgruntled, man hating woman's channel.
Hallmark is the well adjust, loving woman's channel, its the same schlock as Lifetime, except the men are good and the women aren't victims.
That’s the worst kept secret around here.View attachment 34725