
Curious Relics #052: Same Skeleton, Different Muscle – The M1 Garand


Founding Member
Understanding the firearms of old, their importance, and their development which lead to many of the arms we now cherish today is incredibly fascinating.

Curious Relics #052: Same Skeleton, Different Muscle – The M1 Garand

My Garands are on the short list of rifles that I’ll grab if serious work needed to be done…particularly if I need to deal with armored problems…I’ve got an ammo can of black tips in clips; I suspect that it’s going to be a bad day on the receiving end.

They are incredibly handy, imho…in fact, I prefer them over my M1A.
My Garands are on the short list of rifles that I’ll grab if serious work needed to be done…particularly if I need to deal with armored problems…I’ve got an ammo can of black tips in clips; I suspect that it’s going to be a bad day on the receiving end.

They are incredibly handy, imho…in fact, I prefer them over my M1A.
That will do it... Bonnie and Clyde The sequel.