
CZ BUYS COLT: An Exclusive Interview With Lubomír Kovařík – President CZG


Founding Member
So what does it actually mean when we say CZ Buys Colt? TFB was lucky enough to have access to CZ Group’s President and Chairman of the Board Lubomír Kovařík for an exclusive Q&A session and additional details.

An Exclusive Interview With Lubomír Kovařík – President CZG

Very interesting interview, thanks @Talyn.
I also came across this Gun Talk Radio segment, where Tom Gresham talks with a Colt representative on the background of the CZ acquisition. What piqued my interest (towards the end of the interview), was Tom Gresham's question to the Colt Rep., whether their new product announcements in a few weeks would include the Anaconda revolver. Although the Colt Rep. didn't answer a definite Yes, he mentioned that Tom wouldn't be disappointing. It was my belief from the 2020 Shot Show where Colt re-introduced the Python, that the 2021 show would re-introduce the Anaconda. At the 2020 show, an interview with a Colt Rep., indicated they'd be working on large frame revolvers giving me the impression the Anaconda was next. I hope this will happen, although who knows when we'd see them on the shelves as the Python has been very elusive, at least for me. Interview recording is 12+ minutes and was very informative.
