

D.E.W. is coming. It's in the United States. I have seen the equipment myself. So prepare for D.E.W.. tips I have so far....
Anyone who believes must research also. Mirrors/ reflective material and a thorough understanding of diffraction
And know the lay of your land and stars.
D.E.W. is coming. It's in the United States. I have seen the equipment myself. So prepare for D.E.W.. tips I have so far....
Anyone who believes must research also. Mirrors/ reflective material and a thorough understanding of diffraction
And know the lay of your land and stars.
What does that mean?
It's what happened to Maui
saw that on you tube.

oprah and other land buyers wanted the property for a resort...as so the conspiracy people say???

would knowing the layout of objects above your land be helpful? i have an ISS tracker ap that shows everything above you when you aim the phone at the sky, every satellite, etc and ISS of course

The force is strong with this new one 🙄😉
It's what happened to Maui

It's well documented that the Maui fires were caused by high winds causing power line failures which then ignited raging wildfires through dry grass & shrubs.

Just like the fires that were similarly caused the large wildfires in CA, OR & WA the last few years,

BTW - The "real" D.E.W.

BTW2 - "real" directed energy weapons are being deployed as anti-drone micro-wave devices, and anti-missile defenses.

saw that on you tube.

oprah and other land buyers wanted the property for a resort...as so the conspiracy people say???

would knowing the layout of objects above your land be helpful? i have an ISS tracker ap that shows everything above you when you aim the phone at the sky, every satellite, etc and ISS of course
That sounds amazing. Will you please tell me the app name?