Unfortunately, most Americans have no idea that December 15th is Bill of Rights Day. The Bill of Rights separates the United States from any other country as a true republic which guarantees individual liberties which cannot be taken away by the government.
Unfortunately, many Americans believe that the USA is a “democracy” whereby 51% of the people can take away freedoms from 49% of the people. This is simply not true, the USA is a Constitutional Republic that follows democratic principals.
December 15th is Bill of Rights Day!
Unfortunately, many Americans believe that the USA is a “democracy” whereby 51% of the people can take away freedoms from 49% of the people. This is simply not true, the USA is a Constitutional Republic that follows democratic principals.
December 15th is Bill of Rights Day!

SAF, CCRKBA Celebrate Bill Of Rights Day, Note Big 2A Victory - Firearms News
The Second Amendment Foundation and sister organization Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are celebrating Bill of Rights Day today by remembering this year's U.S. Supreme Court decision strengthening the Second Amendment.