
Dems Pushing Federal Mag Capacity Bill

after watching all those denonrats not clap and disrespect the people he introduced is very rude. sure they don't like him, but a kid that gets awards and you sit there with a frown on yer face like yer sittin on a tack is beyond crappy. How anybody can vote for one of the POS is beyond me. screw em, they need to come take mine.
after watching all those denonrats not clap and disrespect the people he introduced is very rude. sure they don't like him, but a kid that gets awards and you sit there with a frown on yer face like yer sittin on a tack is beyond crappy. How anybody can vote for one of the POS is beyond me. screw em, they need to come take mine.
I sent emails this morning to the 2 Dem senators from Va shaming them for not celebrating a 12 year old cancer surviver. I encourage members with Dem House and Senate members to do the same.
it befuddles me on how the dumbocrats think this will curb violence..the thugs will still get, ALWAYS get weapons and high cap magazines.

all any of these insipid "laws" do is hinder and hurt the LAW ABIDING, LEGAL gun owners.

here's a novel idea, why don't the dumbocrats come up with laws to maybe say, put the criminals in prisons..???

cuz that's too hard... so they go after the "'soft targets".....
Here's a novel idea, why don't the dumbocrats come up with laws to maybe say, put the criminals in prisons..???
Well, the laws are already in the books, yet not enforced in a vast majority of instances.
Heck it seems like here in Illinois the firearm laws are the first law thrown out in a plea bargain. Here if you comment a crime or crimes with a firearm, that should add to the time incarcerated by decades, yet they plea them out and little Johnny gets out in 5-10 years instead of 50 yrs.
it befuddles me on how the dumbocrats think this will curb violence..the thugs will still get, ALWAYS get weapons and high cap magazines.

all any of these insipid "laws" do is hinder and hurt the LAW ABIDING, LEGAL gun owners.

here's a novel idea, why don't the dumbocrats come up with laws to maybe say, put the criminals in prisons..???

cuz that's too hard... so they go after the "'soft targets".....
It isn't about curbing violence. It is all about disarming America.
2 words:
Term Limits are already there…it’s called re-election. The areas that vote in dipsticks will still vote in dipsticks just more frequently.

Term limits get thrown around but that wouldn’t necessarily fix anything. It wouldn’t guarantee the people that got there wanted to do the right thing. And it would be a lame duck member of Congress every time.