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Founding Member
With the current situation society as a whole has changed. Many feel things are spinning out of control. Which brings uncertainty, and panic. And panic always breeds chaos and bad decisions. As some in society may be behaving in a manner that is questionable as desperation sets in, try to remember your witnessing the chaos that is in their head. As you process the many events that are taking place, remember to take a pause for the cause. Help one another. Be slow to anger and quick to listen. Be the stability that your family needs. Be the bronze pillar in society. Be the leader that is needed in times of turmoil. Do this with intestinal fortitude, bravery, humility, compassion, and dignity. May you bring forth these things with... DISCERNMENT.
Very eloquent. I agree we should all strive for that and we should be very thankful of those that actually do it. These are hard times and we all need to look at what is good for everyone around us. We are all Americans. Whatever our views are we need to put those aside, watch out for each other, and call for unity and compassion and encourage those who preach divisiveness and blame to take a breath and stop. We have risen above many terrible challenges in our history and we can do it again. We all need to put the good of the country first and we can whip this thing, like every other enemy we've ever had.
Very eloquent. I agree we should all strive for that and we should be very thankful of those that actually do it. These are hard times and we all need to look at what is good for everyone around us. We are all Americans. Whatever our views are we need to put those aside, watch out for each other, and call for unity and compassion and encourage those who preach divisiveness and blame to take a breath and stop. We have risen above many terrible challenges in our history and we can do it again. We all need to put the good of the country first and we can whip this thing, like every other enemy we've ever had.
Well said @benstt
Panic is never a good thing. Most of the print and electronic media, over the past few years, have been practicing getting follks all worked up over nothing. Now, we have something to be a little worked up about, but still no need to panic. It is going to take a long while to get back to where we were a few short months ago, but if everyone keeps their heads, we can get there.
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