
Distinction Without a Difference: FOX News Pushes the Same Anti-Gun Agitprop as CNN and MSNBC


Founding Member
As I was told by many, you really can’t trust any news organizations, this is an interesting read here about Fox News

Additional link…….

i generally watch the early morning local news, between 4:30 AM till about 6AM.

of the 2 local tv stations, they both have HOT traffic female reporters, and 1 has a HOT female Meteorologist.

after i get to see both channels, by way of the "previous channel" button, i can go about my day

i cannot say when was the last time i watched ANY national news network

so in effect, like several of my doctors i see, and have lab work done..and i await the test results....??

like the old saying, "no news is good news".
It's a bit disappointing to see Fox do this instead of being a leader of truth in this area.
Why? Why is it surprising let alone disappointing?!? it is still in networking they still make money off of sensationalism. All news is grimy like that. The best way to find out what the news is in your country is to listen to another country‘s news about your country. Then you blend about three or four of those countries together and whatever they say in common is probably closer to the truth.
I'm not sure how you define whataboutism. I'm not arguing in favor of Fox. I don't watch CNN or Fox.

I watch my local news mostly for the weather. There's not a news agency out there that I trust period.
I kinda gave up cable news shows, started reading the Washington Examiner, so far, hasn’t disappointed me, not biased like other news magazines.
Having dealt with the media directly for years in my career, I trust the media as far as I can throw their satellite trucks. I was at enough scenes to see what happened in person, then watch reporting the next day that didn't resemble what I saw. Sometimes due to incompetent reporting, sometimes due to agenda driven editors. They all have an agenda in one way or another. Some of the most dishonest people I ever met were editors. I watch the news to hear from the horse's mouth, not for the anchor to tell me what the horse said. If you want an example of what I am saying, watch an incumbent or candidate speech from start to finish, then listen to what the reporters tell you afterward what was said. It is shocking for most folks to see the twist and spin. You have to sort through the BS for the nuggets of truth to stay informed.
I just want a news service that tells the truth:
