If someone is not recieving equal treatment then there are laws to hold the authrities accountable. Not laws to make existing laws more applicable. That is where it becomes splitting hairs. This is precisely why we are where we are. There was no need for the KW dog & pony show. The problem lays in our ability to disseminate lies and propaganda. I hear where you are coming from. I just feel its a solution to a problem that only exists the minds of those that wish to usurp authority.
Much like those claiming there is racism are usually the most racist.
Which is just a cop out because it is the human race, but whatever. There is always some idiot throwing stones regardless of their glass house.
Remember, these are the same people we were supposedly helping to end their generational squabbles. We are not doing ourselves any favors, we only augment the chaos and potential for problems.
I dont think we would take it easily if they sent in the Foreign Legion to quell Seattle or Kenosha.
Forgive me if I am rambling, just peaking in while working on other projects.
Food for thought, I always enjoy hearing your perspective.