
Dot torture drill

I both like and dislike the way the article cited above "interpreted" Dot Torture.

It was never meant to be a "defensive"-oriented drill.

It was a marksmanship drill, with limited manipulations/techniques incorporated (yes, there actually was time-pressure involved in more "advanced" iterations: http://pistol-training.com/drills/dot-torture).

In the end, they didn't so much reinterpret Dot Torture so much as they took the ideas upon which it was based - which is simply the BSA template: balance of speed versus accuracy - and made a whole different drill out of it with a totally different target.

The comment made by a reader with the screen-name of "Scottie Mince" at the bottom of that article is, I find, absolutely on-point and honest:

"So the 'revised' dot torture has nothing in common with the original except using a handgun? Got it.... "

Why did they bother to call this article "Dot-Torture Drill Revisited" is totally beyond me. :unsure:

Don't get me wrong....

I don't think that their drill is in any way bad - I just don't get what it had to do with Dot Torture, given that it's no longer shot on the same target, even. :p