
Draco pistol

well, i know that you must have googled it, so did i, and my first time hearing/seeing it myself..Century Arms, (the ones famous for importing TURKISH guns from CANIK @KillerFord1977 ....lol), are importing these as well

Detroit PD says they have seized about 50 of them over the past year, they are apparently popular with the thugs. It came up because a Detroit officer was killed by a 19-year-old with one of these
It’s an AK pistol…muzzle flash monster.

I think the ones with AKSU length barrels (9”? 10”) are actually pretty decent, but the super shorties? Not worth it.
The photo they showed looks like a super shorty
I live not far enough from Detroit, had to take my wife to the cardiac Dr down in the suburbs there yesterday.

See them on the news fairly often. They look tough and have a monster muzzle blast. Add to that they are easy to hide, the gang bangers here love them.

I shot one, was not overly impressed.
the "gang bangers" are the ones that are impressed, by the thought of how it can hold dozens of rounds, and shoot up the other gang bangers across the street, as they drive by. as it is, the gang bangers shoot indiscriminatly, so spraying bullets is impressive to them.
the "gang bangers" are the ones that are impressed, by the thought of how it can hold dozens of rounds, and shoot up the other gang bangers across the street, as they drive by. as it is, the gang bangers shoot indiscriminatly, so spraying bullets is impressive to them.
Spraying bullets is the only means for these thugs to have a chance of hitting their rivals.
I own a several AK pistols, including the Draco. Dracos seem to be one of the firearms that century got right, I have never met one that didn’t work. Yes they are popular with the rap crowd, but if you can get passed that they are fun to shoot. Add a brace and a binary trigger and thats as close to a Krinkov as you can generically get to. Now I also own a Century Npap pistol thats more true to the Krinkov style mind you, but like I said minimum adding a brace makes these ak pistols that are all now generically called Draco’s, fun little fireballs to shoot. Look up Krinkovs and take a look at these.
The photo they showed looks like a super shorty
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This is the Micro Draco. I have one, and as xdman say, fun to shoot. I shot mine at an outdoor range where I was the only one there. It’s pretty loud, and mine is exactly as your posted picture (no binary trigger or brace (yet 🤔 😆)). Atlantic Firearms recently got a large shipment of Dracos, especially the larger size pistols. Looks like Century Arms is importing a lot of them into the country but I wasn’t aware of their popularity with gangs.
This is the Micro Draco. I have one, and as xdman say, fun to shoot. I shot mine at an outdoor range where I was the only one there. It’s pretty loud, and mine is exactly as your posted picture (no binary trigger or brace (yet 🤔 😆)). Atlantic Firearms recently got a large shipment of Dracos, especially the larger size pistols. Looks like Century Arms is importing a lot of them into the country but I wasn’t aware of their popularity with gangs.

I must break you!!!
Most of these thugs could not legally buy a firearm. If Detroit police have seized 50 in a year, how are the thugs getting them? I can understand one here or there coming out of a burglary, but not in these numbers. Stolen from warehouses or in shipment? Smuggled from Mexico? Straw b buyers? I have questions....
Straw buyers, almost certainly.

The new thing is the buyer reports them as “stolen” to avoid prosecution.
Most of these thugs could not legally buy a firearm. If Detroit police have seized 50 in a year, how are the thugs getting them? I can understand one here or there coming out of a burglary, but not in these numbers. Stolen from warehouses or in shipment? Smuggled from Mexico? Straw b buyers? I have questions...
The usual method for certain individuals, who cannot legally purchase a gun, to obtain a gun is similar to their method for leasing luxury vehicles without any employment or credit history. The "Big Girl with Good Credit" method for leasing cars equates to the Straw-Buyer method for obtaining firearms. Until the Feds, State, or local agencies in Detroit begin seeking serious criminal penalties for lying on ATF forms, the problem will continue.