
Dumb criminals

Based on my experience this joker isn’t “the dumbest person on the face of the Earth”.

He’s tied with millions of other people for that distinction, including his girlfriend.

Welcome to the idiocracy.

Roof burglars often cut through roofs or AC ducts to get inside to avoid alarms and being seen. Some of those skinny guys can get through ducts you would think only a cat could navigate. We had a 3 time looser roof guy who managed to get partway into the office of a plumbing supply store but got stuck in the HVAC vent, upside down, dangling over a desk like a bat. He tried freeing himself for more than an hour and just got himself wedged more tightly. He thought he was in big trouble with the blood rushing to his head. He managed to scoot a desk blotter and papers around on the desk to get to the phone and called 911 for a rescue. The plumbing shop was across the street from the PD. The store owner came and unlocked the door and our guys got a good laugh at the guy hanging there upside down. He was never so happy to see the cops. Somebody nicknamed him "Count" after Dracula and the nickname stayed with him. It took FD to cut him out of the duct work and he couldn't walk for a bit. LE has some great moments