
EDC Ammo

Are There Any Ammunition Restrictions?​

LEOSA carriers must only use ammunition not expressly prohibited by federal law or subject to the provisions of the National Firearms Act of 1934. Qualified LEOs and RLEOs are exempt from the prohibitions against carrying hollow-point ammunition that is in force in New Jersey and other locations. However, the NJ Atty Genl letter on 10/12/18 states,

4. Can retirees carry hollow-point bullets, and does LEOSA provide any additional authority outside of New Jersey law to carry hollow-point bullets?
No, New Jersey RLEOs cannot carry hollow-point bullets. N.J.S.A. 2C:39-3(f) states that, with very few narrow exceptions (none of which apply to an RLEO), only active law enforcement officers are authorized to carry hollow-point bullets. LEOSA does not provide any additional authority for an RLEO residing in New Jersey to carry hollow-point bullets because it is impermissible under state law.

5. Generally, what ammunition is acceptable?
RLEOs can generally use any type of commercially available ammunition, so long as it is not hollow-point. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-17 (effective June 13, 2018), an RLEO may possess and carry a large capacity ammunition magazine which is capable of holding up to 15 rounds of ammunition that can be fed continuously and directly into a semiautomatic handgun. However, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-20 (effective August 12, 2018), any RLEO who carries a large capacity magazine capable of holding up to 15 rounds must separately register the firearm with the New Jersey State Police.

I was told this at a LEOSA class given by the NRA at their Convention. I think it’s different for retired as opposed to Active Law Enforcement. I always try to air on the safe side. I travel with my firearm a lot and really only worry about New Jersey.
Problem solved…don’t go to New Jersey.