
Emoticon Meanings

Model 457

When a post is responded to with a Sad or Angry emoticon, does that mean the responder is in agreement with your post or does it indicate disapproval thereof?

For example, I agree that it is a sorry state of affairs (Sad Emoticon). Or, the Sad Emoticon indicates the person is sad that you'd make such a post.

Let the games begin!
When a post is responded to with a Sad or Angry emoticon, does that mean the responder is in agreement with your post or does it indicate disapproval thereof?

For example, I agree that it is a sorry state of affairs (Sad Emoticon). Or, the Sad Emoticon indicates the person is sad that you'd make such a post.

Let the games begin!
When a post is responded to with a Sad or Angry emoticon, does that mean the responder is in agreement with your post or does it indicate disapproval thereof?

For example, I agree that it is a sorry state of affairs (Sad Emoticon). Or, the Sad Emoticon indicates the person is sad that you'd make such a post.

Let the games begin!
we need MORE emoticons.......

we need a middle finger

we need a puking

we need a farting

we need a stinky feet

we need a bare ass (mooning)

we need a nose picking

we need a washing hands (as in done with that thread)

we need a beating dead horse
An angry emodicon takes reacton points away vs. adng even though you're unhappy with the news being posted.

Just one of the quirks on how this site is set-up.
Huh! i do it as a joke. you mean when i quote somebody's post with the angry face it takes away their points? Guess i'll have to stop posting it. i always done it just kiddin around, which them points don't mean nothing to me but to some they may.
we need MORE emoticons.......

we need a middle finger

we need a puking

we need a farting

we need a stinky feet

we need a bare ass (mooning)

we need a nose picking

we need a washing hands (as in done with that thread)

we need a beating dead horse
There already is a puking 🤮 emoji And you can substitute the burden for this ..l.. or this .l., but the 2nd 1 is more of another reference as in male.