Full video of coverage at the 2025 Enforce Tac (specific to Military and Police), at the show in Germany. Total video lenght is 1:53:15 but the time line on uTube is segmented with titles of each booth visited. I'll post the timeline taken from the uTube description and add a brief summary of what was shown. (Note: some of these booth visits had more in-depth stand-alone videos posted in this tread previously):
0:00 - Intro By Classic Firearms
0:55 - CZ - Shown the CZ Bren 3 in 5.56 & 300 Black Out (I have the Bren 2 and would love to have the Bren 3 in 300 BLK if/when it makes it to the U.S.)
18:13 - B&T - APC9 laser training device replacing bolt and installed trigger cable for activation; 12" Apc9 carbine; and SPR 300 BLK Mini
30:37 - Glock - The Glock 46 with rotating barrel and the Glock Hunter Edition (Glock light and ACRO optic)
34:04 - Unity - Scope mounts and switches to activate lasers (DBALs, etc.)
38:31 - Zastava - shown the Serbian Special Forces rifle based off the AK47 operating system. Keymod is used on rails as per request of Serbian forces (as used on all their railed firearms).
44:16 - Steyr - Shown their DMR 7.62x51 rifle and their 7.62x39 AUG Bullpup
52:45 - MAK - Adjustable triggers and magnetic quick release optic slide plate for those slides that are Not cut for an optic. These are available for several firearm models (Glock is shown and demonstrated). Remove the rear sight, install their magnetic (2 super magnets) plate which incorporated a rear sight and tighten a screw in back of slide to secure. It has different optic plates that then install to the magnetic plate depending on footprint of optic to be mounted. It seems like a nice alternative then having to send slide to be cut for an optic.
1:01:42 - Beretta - Shown updates/enhancements to their NARP rifle.
1:05:15 - Swisseye Tactical - Shown different ballistic eye ware products
1:17:45 - Strasser - shown is their straight bolt rifle based on Remington 700 action with their compatible parts (or complete rifle builds in several calibers). bolt can be swapped for left handed users with ejection ports being on both sides.
1:25:35 - Varusteleka - Finnish company that shows off their Nordic cold weather clothing
1:34:10 - Acheron - Shown suppressors; Muzzle suppressor mounts and different size hand guards for the Sig 550; 551; and 553 firearm
1:49:16 - FN - Shown is their new HiPer pistol.
1:52:37 - Wrap-Up by Classic Firearms