
Fairless Captures Distinguished Rifleman Badge With M1 Garand


At the age of 71, Bill Fairless of Vienna, Illinois, finally earned his Distinguished Rifleman badge after decades of tracking it down.

Fairless’s journey to a Distinguished Rifleman badge began in the mid-1980s when he heard it was possible to own an M1 Garand.
In order to receive one, he had to shoot qualifying matches at a local club, which didn’t deter Fairless one bit.

“I wanted one just because I thought it’d be neat to have one—and then once I got to shooting—well, I love shooting it,” he said with a laugh. “It’s my favorite gun to shoot. I don't know why. I just like them.”

His father carried an M1 Garand during World War II and decided that he, too, wanted to get qualified. He earned a M1 Garand of his own alongside Fairless and though he didn’t continue competing, he always kept the rifle as well as a can of ammo in his home. The Garand became more than just a gun—it was a special bond between father and son.

I agree with what General Patton said....(for the time of course...). To this day I still get more joy shooting this rifle at the range than any other one I own...

And the dude is in his 70's complaining about his eyesight. I'm in my 50's and I only see a blur of a target when focused on my front post....