
FDA Red Tape Slows Sanitizer Production

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Different type of "ingredients" if you will in the alcohol they use. Two sides of the story here. It is great that the distillers want to step up and provide because of the shortage, but unless they are using the same alcohol used in healthcare\home health we do not know if it will have the same sanitizing effect on this particular virus. (unless of course that has been studied) It could actually do more harm than good in the long run. Certainly not saying it would or would not work (it may actually work better) Just don't think it's been "tested" so to speak.
The only debate with the FDA is, the alcohol from the distilleries isn't 'denatured' - it doesn't taste bad. They're worried people will drink it if it doesn't taste bad, so they want ingredients added to make it taste bad.


Make the stuff just for doctors and medical staff, not for general public. Don't stop the production, just funnel it to people who have enough common sense not to drink the stuff. But...KEEP MAKING IT.

Red tape doesn't save anyone, not in a situation like this.
The only debate with the FDA is, the alcohol from the distilleries isn't 'denatured' - it doesn't taste bad. They're worried people will drink it if it doesn't taste bad, so they want ingredients added to make it taste bad.


Make the stuff just for doctors and medical staff, not for general public. Don't stop the production, just funnel it to people who have enough common sense not to drink the stuff. But...KEEP MAKING IT.

Red tape doesn't save anyone, not in a situation like this.
"They're worried people will drink it if it doesn't taste bad, so they want ingredients added to make it taste bad."

I wonder if those people are the same ones who mistakenly eat Tide detergent pods? 🤔
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