
Federal 45 acp cases


Just bought a 200 pack of Federal 45 auto 230 grain ammo. To my surprise I found they are loaded with small pistol primers. I’m sure they will fire and function ok but I sure don’t want to mix them with normal 45 brass for reloading. I’d never have bought them if I’d known that!
Couldn’t find anything on the box that said it had a small primer and the box was sealed so I couldn’t check. Last box of Federal for me!
Pretty annoying, I’ve got to say.
Just bought a 200 pack of Federal 45 auto 230 grain ammo. To my surprise I found they are loaded with small pistol primers. I’m sure they will fire and function ok but I sure don’t want to mix them with normal 45 brass for reloading. I’d never have bought them if I’d known that!
Couldn’t find anything on the box that said it had a small primer and the box was sealed so I couldn’t check. Last box of Federal for me!
Pretty annoying, I’ve got to say.
I recently bought a box or 2 of Federal HST 10mm (200grain) and was surprised to see SPP's pressed-in. Most 10mm ammo I've fired has LPP's...I never would have noticed, but the RO was sweeping my brass while I was shooting (he asked to keep my brass) and noticed it and mentioned how odd it was...
Just bought a 200 pack of Federal 45 auto 230 grain ammo. To my surprise I found they are loaded with small pistol primers. I’m sure they will fire and function ok but I sure don’t want to mix them with normal 45 brass for reloading. I’d never have bought them if I’d known that!
Couldn’t find anything on the box that said it had a small primer and the box was sealed so I couldn’t check. Last box of Federal for me!
Pretty annoying, I’ve got to say.
i buy whats on sale...there is another maker, Lawman if i recall, that i have found to have SPP as well

when i am taking my Federal SPP ammo, i either shoot that box first, or after i shoot LPP brass....

anyways, i still sweep up my brass, and then toss the SPP 45 ACP in my "going to the recycling yard" bucket. this way, i don't mix the 2 types, but i still check before i toss the LPP into the media cleaner.

but also, i have bought Federal with LPP, i just cannot recall the particular name.

i don't let the size of the primers bother me, just the prices of the ammo when not on sale or a shortage.
Federal has been doing that for about a decade now. AFAIK they are the only "rogue" manufacturer doing that. That is why I no longer buy their 45acp ammo. As a reloader when you inadvertently pick up a case that has SPP and it finds its way into my Dillon, boy that smarts. 😉
Just bought a 200 pack of Federal 45 auto 230 grain ammo. To my surprise I found they are loaded with small pistol primers. I’m sure they will fire and function ok but I sure don’t want to mix them with normal 45 brass for reloading. I’d never have bought them if I’d known that!
Couldn’t find anything on the box that said it had a small primer and the box was sealed so I couldn’t check. Last box of Federal for me!
Pretty annoying, I’ve got to say.
Federal has been using SPP in .45 for decades.

They work fine.
I purchased the 3 boxes of HST 230gr+P about three weeks ago from Top GunAmmo.
45acp doesn't have much powder or as high of pressure, so spp's aren't an issue (flash hole size dependent). if you reload, watch out for flash hole size as the decapper might be to big for it. r/p cases is where i had issues. you don't reload, you're gtg!

you might be finding that 308win sized cases (in various calibers) might start using srp's if not already (brand dependent).
As long as it works I don't see a problem with it.
that's just it, SPP, or LPP, they both work...anyone that reloads, just has to inspect each case, either before cleaning, or at least when inserting into the press's shell plate, if an automatic case feeder is not in use.

i always check the case bottom before inserting into the shell plate, so that slows me down, but then too, i even check each case for powder drop as well...which is also slowing me down, but then too, i am in NO rush to reload ammo....

time spent checking each process is time well spent, to avoid a possible catastrophic event.

i'll let the factories push out thousands of rounds per hour.