
Feeling nostalgic - Mak CCW


With the warm weather coming up all week, 50 in Feb. It's a freaking heat wave, I am feeling like carrying a pistol for a few days. My normal winter CC is a revolver.

Been feeling a bit nostalgic as my best friends anniversary of death comes up and I pulled out my all time favorite pistol. I carried this about 90 percent of the time i carried a pistol from Jan. Of 2000 until some time in 2020. To this day I have never shot any pistol better, my East German Makarov.

Hello old friend...

Beautiful. I have a Russian and a Bulgarian.

Is yours .380 or 9x18 ?

Sorry to hear about your friend Sid.
Thank you. It's a 9×18, I had two more Bulgarians but gave them to my nephews. They are the sons of my best friend who also was married to my sister for a time, we knew each other for over 55 years and were best friends from meeting.

The last thing he said to me was watch over my boys, which I have been attempting to do since.
Thank you. It's a 9×18, I had two more Bulgarians but gave them to my nephews. They are the sons of my best friend who also was married to my sister for a time, we knew each other for over 55 years and were best friends from meeting.

The last thing he said to me was watch over my boys, which I have been attempting to do since.
You're a good man Sid.

The Maks are awesome. My Russian is a 9x18 and the Bulgarian is .380. I had a German but when my first wife left me I let her keep it. I was told it was later confiscated from her by the cops when they found her doing the fishdance from banging coke in a bathroom of a gas station in N. STL county. Won't ever see that one again.
You're a good man Sid.

The Maks are awesome. My Russian is a 9x18 and the Bulgarian is .380. I had a German but when my first wife left me I let her keep it. I was told it was later confiscated from her by the cops when they found her doing the fishdance from banging coke in a bathroom of a gas station in N. STL county. Won't ever see that one again.
Ty, he would have done the same.

What a sad waste, the Mak, not the cokehead, pardon me, I do not know the woman...