I assure you NONE of you guys want my wife getting involved.Whew, that was close, I thought that @Bassbob might send his wife up here to contest the Will removal . It’s sure is nice of you boys to help me out andtake him off my handser, invite him for a visit to the Lone Star State .
Note to Bob: I’m just joking buddy, you’re a good forum friend
Don’t I know it. I still have that place in Alaska that I pray she can;t findI assure you NONE of you guys want my wife getting involved.
Don’t I know it. I still have that place in Alaska that I pray she can;t find
What the…, how did you…
Skynet knows the secret destination........also Skynet will delete its location for a price..........
Thanks very much Jav, I appreciate it.Well done sir beautiful piece bet7 congrats