
Firearm Practice: Slow & Steady

The age old spray and pray tactic? Only 3 mags will do?

I see this so bloody often at ranges...7 yards, a full sized B27 or the equivalent (Transtar2, etc)...dump a mag, and if half the rounds hit, and there’s a couple in the A, then they’re pounding each others backs...

I’ve asked, once or twice, “what about the misses?”...and get looks like a landed perch. “They hit the backstop”...sure, here they did...but what happens when you do that for real? You don’t rise to the occasion—you fall back on what you’ve practiced.

I’m not a Fudd, not by any stretch of the imagination...but there’s a decent amount of people that are carrying that scare the crap out of me. I truly hope I’m not anywhere near them if they ever start shooting.
I see this so bloody often at ranges...7 yards, a full sized B27 or the equivalent (Transtar2, etc)...dump a mag, and if half the rounds hit, and there’s a couple in the A, then they’re pounding each others backs...

I’ve asked, once or twice, “what about the misses?”...and get looks like a landed perch. “They hit the backstop”...sure, here they did...but what happens when you do that for real? You don’t rise to the occasion—you fall back on what you’ve practiced.

I’m not a Fudd, not by any stretch of the imagination...but there’s a decent amount of people that are carrying that scare the crap out of me. I truly hope I’m not anywhere near them if they ever start shooting.
Know the feeling, when people show up at my range and start that crap, I pack up and leave......I don’t want to witness any accidental discharges or accidents
As is often heard at the police academy. Slow is smooth, smooth becomes fast. Also is heard crawl before you walk, walk before you run. You can not stress this enough to a beginning shooter. They must get muscle memory down first and put all aspects of shooting together to become an accurate, fast shooter.
I always liked the scene in "Unforgiven" with Clint Eastwood when Gene Hackman (Little Bill) is talking to the reporter guy about how gunfights actually went down in the Old West. It wasn't the guy who was fastest who usually won, but the the guy who didn't get rattled, took his time to aim and hit his target. Most quick draw guys but their rounds a couple of feet in front of their target.
I see this so bloody often at ranges...7 yards, a full sized B27 or the equivalent (Transtar2, etc)...dump a mag, and if half the rounds hit, and there’s a couple in the A, then they’re pounding each others backs...

I’ve asked, once or twice, “what about the misses?”...and get looks like a landed perch. “They hit the backstop”...sure, here they did...but what happens when you do that for real? You don’t rise to the occasion—you fall back on what you’ve practiced.

I’m not a Fudd, not by any stretch of the imagination...but there’s a decent amount of people that are carrying that scare the crap out of me. I truly hope I’m not anywhere near them if they ever start shooting.
At 7 yards I can mag dump from the hip with any of my glocks(17, 20, 21, 22, 31, 40 and 41) @ mag capacity all in b27 10 score. I haven't been able too do that with my sa, s&w or sig. 15 yards not able so far, but working on it.