
FNX 45 Tactical


So, the husband has been wanting a double stack 45 for a long time. He now has his eyes set on a FNX 45 Tactical. He likes the feel and is strongly considering it. He's back up in Grand Forks for work and the gun shop is just minutes away from his hotel...dangerous, I know. Anyway, he asked me to "ask your friends on your forum if anybody has one, or has fired one, and what they think". So...my forum friends, does anyone have experience with one of these? What do you think?

Thanks in advance.
So, the husband has been wanting a double stack 45 for a long time. He now has his eyes set on a FNX 45 Tactical. He likes the feel and is strongly considering it. He's back up in Grand Forks for work and the gun shop is just minutes away from his hotel...dangerous, I know. Anyway, he asked me to "ask your friends on your forum if anybody has one, or has fired one, and what they think". So...my forum friends, does anyone have experience with one of these? What do you think?

Thanks in advance.

I LOVE mine. Super fun to shoot. feels good in the hand. Fully ambi, suppressor heights night sights, optic cut, double stack .45, threaded barrel. Cannot complain.

I have one, but haven’t yet fired it. I’d like to eventually get a suppressor for it. The FNX 45 is hammer fired, while the FN 545 is striker fired. Both are double stack, mine came with 15 round mags. They might make higher capacity mags (I believe one model of the 545 has 18 round mags). Since I have the FNX 45, I didn’t get the 545 but do have the 509 (9mm) and 510 (10mm) double stacks. They all are fine firearms, I don’t think he’ll go wrong with it.
I have one, but haven’t yet fired it. I’d like to eventually get a suppressor for it. The FNX 45 is hammer fired, while the FN 545 is striker fired. Both are double stack, mine came with 15 round mags. They might make higher capacity mags (I believe one model of the 545 has 18 round mags). Since I have the FNX 45, I didn’t get the 545 but do have the 509 (9mm) and 510 (10mm) double stacks. They all are fine firearms, I don’t think he’ll go wrong with it.
I had one a few years ago and regret letting it go.
I’m back in the market for one now. Love it.
Thanks guys! I think we're borderline enablers now. ;)
The only fn handgun i have is the 5.7, but as far as double stack 45acp's go the g21 is great and accurate. Been wanting a fn in another flavor, but if they feel anything like the 5.7 does (feels like a plastic toy) i don't want 1! The xdm, m/p and glock doesn't have that feeling to me. The stippling is fairly rough compared to the other 3. Hey, if it feels good in his hands then he should be gtg!
Get a USP45 Tactical.

I had both a FNX and the USP…I kept the HK.

Or…let him get the FNX, and YOU get the USP, and make him jealous…;)

That being said…the FNX is still a solid piece. I just preferred the USP Match trigger, and overall ergos (the FN is a brick, but in a good way).