
Ford Mustang GTD Will Have 815 HP and a 202-MPH Top Speed


Founding Member
The latest performance Mustang resets the bar for fastest and most powerful pony…for now.

‘Cause ya need a 200 mile per hour car ta get ta work🙄. Seriously, why? 4 decades ago I had a new, first gen, VW GTI. It only had 90 ponies, and was pretty light. It was not “fast” by any stretch of the imagination, BUTit delivered great power and acceleration up to a little past 75 mph (which is where you actually “drive” ( remember the National speed limit was 55). My buddy had a new mustang with a 302 and the little VW would soundly spank him for 1/8 mile-everytime. He’d beat me through the quarter by 3-4 cars (also everytime). That little car was Huge fun to drive because the power was where you could actually USE it. I drove a hellcat a couple years ago. Sounded great, but you couldn’t use 1/2 the ponies it was putting down. Different strokes I guess.
why does anyone really need such not only high horse power, but speeds??

this price on this is (right now suggested) $325,000

first, not too many can afford this...

the insurance will be incredibly high, but if you got the money for the car, then you'll have the money for insurance.

then it'll most likely be a limited run of builds

driving the cost to buy new, will skyrocket.

only the rich will afford this, or drug dealers.

the massive amounts of destruction that'll happen when racing on the highways will happen.

seriously, unless specifically built for a race team, there is no need for this.
Need it? Nope. But this is America...it is about wants not needs. I don't need big house...but I want one. As the anti's are quick to say, "You don't need thirty rounds to hunt deer". Only getting what you "need" is generally a miserable life and it ends up Soviet style standing in line for beets and single ply toilet paper. I don't care for the styling, I much prefer the Mustang Convertible, but I appreciate the engineering that goes into making a Halo car like this. Amazing. I would never buy one, even with Bill Gates money, because to me the sensation of speed is more important than actual speed. Which is why I love 60-70's vintage cars. They feel like they are fast because the motor overpowers the suspension so you are sliding around and the tires are squealing and you feel like you are really moving then you look down and are doing 45 mph...big fun without the speed.
PS- I use the needs vs wants argument all the time. I live in a college town, so it is full of lib-tards. As soon as they start to drone on about "needing" an assault rifle I ask them how big their house is. Always throws them off balance. But since working folks are too busy working to be a liberal, the lib-tards around here always have more money than sense, aka more house than they "need". They fall right into it every time. America!
‘Cause ya need a 200 mile per hour car ta get ta work🙄. Seriously, why? 4 decades ago I had a new, first gen, VW GTI. It only had 90 ponies, and was pretty light. It was not “fast” by any stretch of the imagination, BUTit delivered great power and acceleration up to a little past 75 mph (which is where you actually “drive” ( remember the National speed limit was 55). My buddy had a new mustang with a 302 and the little VW would soundly spank him for 1/8 mile-everytime. He’d beat me through the quarter by 3-4 cars (also everytime). That little car was Huge fun to drive because the power was where you could actually USE it. I drove a hellcat a couple years ago. Sounded great, but you couldn’t use 1/2 the ponies it was putting down. Different strokes I guess.
those GTi's were pretty sweet
why does anyone really need such not only high horse power, but speeds??

this price on this is (right now suggested) $325,000

first, not too many can afford this...

the insurance will be incredibly high, but if you got the money for the car, then you'll have the money for insurance.

then it'll most likely be a limited run of builds

driving the cost to buy new, will skyrocket.

only the rich will afford this, or drug dealers.

the massive amounts of destruction that'll happen when racing on the highways will happen.

seriously, unless specifically built for a race team, there is no need for this.
you forgot the people who spend more on their cars than their houses:ROFLMAO:. certain places i've driven has a $10k house and a $100k vehicle
I know I’m an old fart, but I love a quick good handling car as much as anybody. That said, there IS a finite amount of power you can use on any street car-once you exceed that, it’s overkill and you’re paying big $$$ for something you can NEVER use (simple physics, road conditions and traffic laws all work against you.). I just don’t see the logic to that. It’s simply more fun to drive a slow car (with decent handling) “fast” than it is to drive a truly Fast car slow.
I know I’m an old fart, but I love a quick good handling car as much as anybody. That said, there IS a finite amount of power you can use on any street car-once you exceed that, it’s overkill and you’re paying big $$$ for something you can NEVER use (simple physics, road conditions and traffic laws all work against you.). I just don’t see the logic to that. It’s simply more fun to drive a slow car (with decent handling) “fast” than it is to drive a truly Fast car slow.
sometimes you have to let the horses out of the corral :cool: