
Gee, who would have thought? (Drug laws)

well "recreational" weed was ( i thought) for having at home....yet, more and more as i drive on my roads, i can smell that rancid smoke....meaning stoned drivers.

the almighty dollar, is/was all the politicians looked at, not the consequences.
WOW! The OR Gov. is smarter than I thought. It only took them four years to figure this out. If I was a betting man, I would have put odds at 10-15 years. :rolleyes: Maines very own Czarina Mills and co. are toying with this idea. Just because it has failed everywhere, don't mean that ME can't make it work. Like all Moonbat leftist they are smarter than everyone else. It will work this time. 🤬
well "recreational" weed was ( i thought) for having at home....yet, more and more as i drive on my roads, i can smell that rancid smoke....meaning stoned drivers.

the almighty dollar, is/was all the politicians looked at, not the consequences.
I know exactly what you mean. I hate going to WalMart, but it's necessary sometimes. Going to get in my truck and< I swear I got a contact high from the sedan parked two spaces away. Windows open only about six inches, could barely see the guy in the drivers seat. I swear the stink followed me...
Thought thst was Monica....

Green dress will have to work 🤪