Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Gel Test: Remington High Terminal Performance 9mm JHP” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/gel-test-remington-high-terminal-performance-9mm-jhp/.
Hey don't knock it. I used a 5 gallon water jug, like from an office water cooler. It was about 3/4 full. It was enough to split the buckshot in the new Force X2 I was testing. 1 round blew the back of it to shite.Might as well have shot a water jug…diy gel really doesn’t give any worthwhile info.
Jeff ( Taofledermaus) suggested to me just this morning that stacks of wet magazines are fantastic for shotgun slugs.My go to was empty copy paper boxes fill with old phone books that have been soaked in water overnight. I had a great yearly supply until my company stopped getting 7 skids of phone books every year.
Ever carry while you’re driving?My immediate thought was that I shouldn’t be encountering too many intermediate barriers in a legally justified, squeaky clean SD shooting (Aside from clothing).
This is the first time I’ve ever see this ammo tested. It’s Good to see big ol’ green making a comeback. Golden Saber FTW though.